11th Grade
Class of 2026
Welcome to your junior year! Check back here during the school year for important information from counseling. On October 29th, there will be a presentation covering information for Junior year and Senior Articulation. At that time, we will also provide a Junior year guide with graduation information and a checklist to prepare for college applications.
Please see below for important upcoming dates.​
Junior Presentation and Senior Articulation
Click here for the Junior Presentation and Senior Articulation Slide Deck
Articulation 2025-2026
On October 29th, students watched the Articulation video in Science classes to learn about how to select classes for next year and received directions for how to register/request classes on Student Portal (available October 29th). Students also received a hardcopy of the Articulation Card and Support Document to use while choosing classes.
Electronic submissions of course requests in the Student Portal and the Articulation Card are due to English teachers by 3:30 PM on Friday, November 8th.
Counselors will meet one-on-one with students January 21st - January 24th during English classes to confirm class choices and answer questions.