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Social/Emotional Resources

Calming Room
A place for students, staff, and families to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings. We are here to support you!

McAlister Institute
High-quality, low-cost substance abuse treatment, drug intervention, and recovery support services

Mental Health Resources
Resources through SRHS & the district to assist students and families

Wellness Room on Campus
SRHS has a wellness room located between the counseling office and the nurse's office. To use the room, check in with a counselor, school psychologist, administrator, or the nurse. If the room is available, you are welcome to use it.

Developed by mental health professionals from the University of California San Francisco with the help from the California Department of Education, Salesforce, Tiatros, Wellness Together, and various school districts. This free interactive psychoeducational resource includes strategies for developing resiliency and self-care skills to help maintain mental well-being.

Wellness Together
Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Family Engagement & Crisis Management, and Wellness Education. Speak with your counselor for more information
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